Renting with Your Dog

I recently received a panicked call from a client of mine. Her landlord had given her notice that she needed to vacate her home because her dog “looked” too much like a Pitbull. Not sure how to find a new place for herself and her longtime companion, she reached out to me in a state of desperation. What was she going to do? She had been looking for a new place for nearly two weeks with ZERO luck. No landlords or owners were even willing to consider allowing this dog, despite the fact that this dog was clearly a mixed breed, had no history of aggression with other dogs or people, and was quite well-mannered. Things looked bleak and she was in need of some hope.

The first thing I recommended was that she get her dog Canine Good Citizen certified. This is typically a 6-week group class based on several objectives outlined by the AKC. Many landlords/owners, insurers, and condo associations are now accepting dogs that they would not have otherwise allowed as long as they have passed the Canine Good Citizen test.

This class teaches dogs how to demonstrate polite behavior around other dogs and people in a variety of everyday situations. The test provides evidence that the dog has mastered these skills. For more information about CGC Classes, please visit our Canine Good Citizen class description, which is located at the bottom of the page.

As it turns out, my client’s dog did pass the CGC test with flying colors, and she and her dog were allowed to stay!

If you have similar concerns or know of somebody else who does, I highly recommend you check out this article about Renting with Your Dog. It is chock full of excellent advice, tips, and information. You may find it comes in handy if you ever find yourself in a similar situation.

Ian Dunbar TED Talk

In this short video, Ian Dunbar discusses how to train your dog using positive reinforcement, rather than punishment. Dunbar helps us see training through our dog’s eyes, and talks about how to become better leaders and communicators. He stresses the importance of making training fun and motivating for your dog, rather than focusing all your time and attention on the negative. Much wisdom here. Enjoy! 🙂

Dog Park Body Language

If you decide to visit a dog park, it is important to be able to read the body language of your dog and the other dogs present. The ideal body language is playful, but dogs will exhibit a variety of behaviors as they contact new dogs and spend more time at the park. Overall you are looking for balanced play between dogs – sometimes one is on top and next time he’s on the bottom. Sometimes he’s the chaser, and next he will be the chased.
It’s always wise to leave the park if your pet shows signs of tiredness, stress or fear or if there are dogs present who seem threatening.

Playful actions to watch for:

  • Back and forth play – dogs change position – role reversals
  • Bouncy, exaggerated gestures
  • Wiggly bodies
  • Open relaxed mouth
  • Play-bows
  • Twisted leaps or jumps
  • Pawing the air

Signs of Anxiety/Stress to Monitor:

  • Fast wagging low tail
  • Whining or whimpering
  • Ears may be back
  • Hiding behind objects or people

Signs of Fear:

  • Dog will try to look small
  • Tail tucked
  • Hunched over, head down
  • Tense
  • May urinate submissively

Red Flags that Require Intervention:

  • Excessive mounting
  • Pinning (holding another dog down and standing stiffly over them)
  • Shadowing another dog (following) incessantly
  • Bullying: repeatedly bothering another dog that does not want to interact
  • Fast non-stop running with a group – high arousal situation
  • Full-speed body slams
  • Putting head repeatedly onto another dog’s neck or back
  • Staring with a fixed gaze directly at another dog
  • Snarling or raised lips
  • Showing teeth
  • Hackles up at the shoulders

Signs of Potential Illness – While not necessarily related to behavior, you will want to remove your dog from a park where dogs are showing the following symptoms:

  • Coughing or gagging
  • Vomiting
  • Sneezing
  • Diarrhea

In theory, dog parks are a wonderful way for dogs to socialize with other friendly dogs. It is important that owners who frequent dog parks know the limitations of their pets and act accordingly to keep playgroups interacting in a safe and responsible manner.


This article was first posted by APDT.