Category Archives: Health and Nutrition

Information and resources regarding canine dietary choices, holistic health, and exercise.

Mental Stimulation and Environmental Enrichment

Just as physical exercise is important, so is mental exercise. This is what is referred to as “environmental enrichment.” Dogs are intelligent, sentient beings, and can become bored if they’re stuck in the same environment day after day with nothing new to challenge them.

It’s important to give your dog something to do when you leave him alone. A dog that is happily occupied is much less likely to become destructive, to bark constantly, or fixate on the fact that you’re gone. The more you can find to keep Fido happy, the less likely he is to get into trouble!

Environmental enrichment should be entertaining, but not overstimulating. When you can’t be with your dog, consider turning on the radio or giving your dog access to the TV. Many dogs love watching Animal Planet. You might also consider buying a CD specifically created for dogs, such as “K-9 Lullabies” or “Music Through a Dog’s Ear.” Talk about a happy dog! Another fun idea is “The Movie for Dogs,” which shows dogs having fun in a variety of settings.

Important tip! Be sure to rotate the toys! If a dog has access to the same toys every day, boredom will set in. Offer one or two toys daily (ask dog to sit first), and pick them all up at the end of every day.

Suggestions for safe toys and chewies:

  1. Kong Toys:  These toys are a big hit with most dogs.  Kongs come in many fun shapes and can be stuffed with all kinds of goodies–kibble, cheese, cream cheese, peanut butter, apples, bananas, canned pumpkin, yogurt, etc. They can even be frozen overnight and offered the next day. If you stuff them correctly, a kong can be interesting for hours! Be careful that you stuff the kong so that the goodies are neither too easy or difficult to access.
  2. Treat Ball Dispensers:  There are so many treat dispensing toys to choose from. These toys are filled with the dog’s kibble. As the dog moves the ball or cube, the kibble dispenses from the toy. A variation is the “Talk to Me Ball” which includes a tape recording of your voice (especially great for dogs with separation anxiety).
  3. Everlasting Beanie Ball:  The Everlasting Beanie Ball is made from a soft, yet tear resistant material that holds up to tough chewers. Try Everlasting Treats, Every Flavor Treats, or any other food your dog enjoys. Dental dimples help keep your dog’s teeth clean
  4. Halo Spot’s Dental Chews or Whimzees Dental Chews:  Wonderful, healthy alternatives to many of the other chews available.
  5. Tug-a-Jug:  The Tug-a-Jug is a clear, super hard, nontoxic plastic “jug” designed to dispense treats to your dog as she works for them. Scent holes at the bottom of the jug get your dog interested in the toy. Because it’s clear, your dog can see them, too.
  6. Hide-a-Toy Series:  These toys challenge a dog to try and remove smaller toys that are hidden inside.
  7. Starmark Treat Dispensing Bob-a-Lot Dog Toy: This treat dispensing puzzle toy helps foster natural hunting and foraging behaviors, and helps prevent destructive boredom behaviors. The Bob-a-Lot holds a variety of treats, is easy to fill and clean, and the difficulty level may be adjusted to accommodate every dog’s abilities.
    There are so many wonderful, safe ways to keep your dog entertained these days. Please remember that whenever you give your dog a new toy, it’s important to supervise him to make certain that: a) he’s not trying to chew it up and consume it, b) that he understands how to use the toy, and c) that it’s neither too easy nor too difficult for your dog to get the treats.

    Every dog is a unique individual so a toy that entertains one dog won’t necessarily keep another dog’s attention. You may have to try a few toys before you find one that your dog loves. Even so, it’s worth the effort many times over, both for your dog and for your peace of mind.

Factors that May be Contributing to Your Dog’s Anxiety

If your dog is anxious or unable to focus, it’s important to first take a good look at his dietary needs/nutrition deficiencies, daily living environment, opportunities to socialize with other dogs and people, mental stimulation, and daily exercise regimen. Are they optimal? Do you need to make adjustments anywhere?

Once you’ve addressed all of these needs, the next step is to rule out any other factors that may be contributing to your dog’s anxiety, reactivity, or inability to focus. These may include underlying medical issues, such as:

  • Hyperthyroidism (rare in dogs)
  • Tumors
  • Diabetes
  • Parasites
  • Allergies (the most common food allergies are: beef, chicken, corn, wheat, dairy, fish, eggs, soybeans, and chemical preservatives or additives)

Whenever you notice a change in your dog’s demeanor, it’s a good idea to take your dog to the vet for a thorough checkup. Any undiagnosed illness may affect your dog’s behavior. It’s important to rule out disease or treat the underlying medical issue prior to starting a training or behavior modification program.

Although uncommon, some medications may lead to hyperactivity and anxiety. Two examples are thyroid hormone supplements and bronchodilator medicines. If your dog is on either of these meds, please check with your veterinarian to see if there are safer, alternative medications that won’t cause behavioral side-effects.

Once you’ve ruled out illness or medication side-effects, then it’s time to consider behavior modification training for your dog. We strongly recommend that the trainer have many years of experience working with anxious and/or fearful dogs, be credentialed and/or certified, and use positive reinforcement techniques and methods.

When working with a timid, anxious, or fearful dog, it’s important to be patient and take your time with them. Never force your dog into a situation that makes him feel anxious or overwhelmed. Learn the specific signals your dog uses to communicate anxiety and fear, and respond accordingly. Don’t allow people to pet him if he’s signaling discomfort in their presence.

You are your dog’s leader, and he trusts you to protect him and keep him comfortable. There may be times when you’ll have to make a judgment call as to whether or not your dog should be in a particular situation or environment. If in doubt, remove him. You can always try again another day when the circumstances are manageable. Always work at a pace that is comfortable for your dog. It’s far better to take your time and go slowly than to hurry your dog and overwhelm him. Happy training!

Is Your Dog Getting Enough Exercise?

Dogs need regular exercise, just like people do. If your dog isn’t getting enough physical activity, he may become bored, hyperactive, moody, withdrawn, or anxious, put on excess weight, or release his pent-up energy in a variety of undesirable ways.

Most dogs are greatly under exercised. Many people have good intentions, but are not providing sufficient exercise to their dog on a daily basis. Exercise requirements vary depending upon age and breed. Generally speaking, young dogs require more physical exercise than older dogs.

Your dog’s current exercise regimen may be insufficient due to the following:

  1.  Excess Puppy Energy:  Most pups have an ever ready supply of playful puppy energy, and require a minimum of three 20-30 minute sessions of fast-paced aerobic exercise daily. All that energy has to have a place to go! If you don’t actively exercise your pup, he’s going to find his own way to expel energy, often in the form of chewing, digging, and barking. Remember the old adage: A Tired Dog is a Good Dog!
  2. Breed Requirements and General Physiology:  Working, Sporting, and Herding Breeds such as German Shepherds, Border Collies, Aussies, Shelties, Dalmatians, Retrievers, Beagles, Setters, Spaniels, Poodles, Weimaraners, Huskies, Malinois, Corgis, and Terriers typically require more exercise on a daily basis.
  3. Means of Exercise:  Exercise can come in many forms. The important factor is that it is aerobic in nature. Never assume that your pup is getting adequate exercise just because he is outside all day. Dogs that are left outside are, generally speaking, only active in short spurts, and are largely inactive for the majority of the day. Therefore, It’s up to us to make sure they get the exercise they need every single day, whether it’s a long walk, a fast-paced game of fetch, a play date with another dog, or a game of flyball.

Great ways to exercise your dog:

  • Play a fast-paced game of fetch or Frisbee for 20 minutes
  • Enjoy a jog-walk in your neighborhood or at the local park (also a great way to socialize)
  • Swim with your dog, assuming he likes water and is comfortable in a pool
  • Organize play dates with other friendly dogs in your backyard; try
  • Take your dog to doggie daycare
  • Hire a dog walker
  • Hike with your dog and let him carry his own water in a backpack
  • Enroll in an agility course (also great for your dog’s confidence)
  • Play flyball
  • Teach him to walk on a treadmill (they even have them specifically for dogs now)
  • Go rollerblading in the park
  • Take him with you on a bike ride
  • Run from your dog and have him chase you (not the other way around)

Caution: Very young dogs and older dogs need to move at a slower pace; please be careful not to overdo activities that would harm joints. It is not advised to exercise your dog within 30 minutes of feeding. Please remember not to over exercise your dog on hot days. Always avoid hot pavement. Black dogs or dogs with a thick coat can easily overheat. If you have a dog with medical concerns, please consult your vet before beginning any exercise regimen.

Have fun exercising with your dog! Physical activity isn’t only important for your dog’s health; it’s also a way for the two of you to bond.

Dietary Recommendations for Dogs

This information is taken from Whole Dog Journal’s review of dog foods. Whole Dog Journal is a well-respected and informative publication on natural health and nutrition.

Quality foods should contain:

  1. Superior sources of protein, either whole fresh meats or source meat meal (ex. chicken meal rather than poultry meal)
  2. A whole-meat source as one of the first two, preferably three ingredients
  3. Whole, unprocessed grains, vegetables, and other foods. Nutrients and enzymes are more likely to be found in unprocessed foods

Quality foods should contain a MINIMUM of the following:

  1. Food fragments—lower cost by-products of another food manufacturing process, such as brewer’s rice and wheat bran. Manufacturers usually include at least one fragment to help lower costs. Beware any food that includes several fragments.
  2. Meat by-products (not handled as carefully as whole meat) – any food that contains meat by-products as the MAJOR protein source indicates a low-quality product

High-quality foods should not contain:

  1. Fats or proteins named generically (ex. Animal fat/poultry fat instead of beef fat/lamb meal)
  2. Artificial preservatives (BHA, BHT, ethoxyquin)
  3. Artificial colors
  4. Sweeteners (corn syrup, sucrose, ammoniated glycyrrhizin) to improve unappealing food
  5. Propylene glycol – a toxic substance when consumed in large amounts; added to some “chewy” foods to keep them moist.
  6. Corn, wheat, or soy. All may cause allergic reactions and behavioral problems.

All of the following foods listed meet the aforementioned guidelines. Though this is not an inclusive list, it offers many excellent choices: Solid Gold, Canidae, Castor & Pollux, Halo, Eagle Pack, Stella & Chewy’s, Wysong, Pinnacle, Primal, Fromm, Nature’s Recipe, Taste of the Wild, The Honest Kitchen, Wellness, Orijen, Nature’s Variety, Sojos Raw Made Easy (de-hydrated food), Merrick, Natural Balance, Trader Joe’s, and Costco’s Kirkland.

Aromatherapy: The Benefits, How it Works, and How to Use It

The term aromatherapy refers to the therapeutic use of aromatic oils, or “essential oils.” Essential oils are the concentrated aromatic essences extracted from plant sources, such as woods, flowers, fruits, stems, leaves, and resins.

Aromatherapy is an effective complementary therapy to training and behavior modification because it is beneficial in alleviating many conditions, such as anxiety, stress, and depression.

There is an undeniable connection between smell and memory in both humans and canines. Because canines have an incredibly sensitive nose, it takes only a very dilute concentration of essential oils to have a powerful effect. Breathing in these scents eases stress by activating positive emotional responses from the part of the brain that controls memory and emotion. Lavender and chamomile affect the central nervous system, helping to alleviate stress and to engender calming and grounding.

Aromatherapy is popular because it’s gentle and effective without being costly. When used properly, there is virtually no risk of serious side-effects, which is not the case with many prescription drugs.

How to Use Aromatherapy on Your Dog

Caution: Never allow your dog to consume any essential oil (whether diluted or not), and do not use essential oils on pregnant or seizure-prone dogs without first checking with your veterinarian.

The safest, most effective way to use aromatherapy is to spray it on a bandanna that your dog wears around his neck (check out our collar and bandanna in one!)

If you have a dog that is nervous/anxious/stressed at home, place an aromatherapy diffuser in the room where your dog spends the most time. You may also wish to spray your dog’s bedding to make him more comfortable. This can be especially helpful during any major transitions (when you bring your dog home, after a move to a new home, when you are introducing a new pet to your dog, etc.)

How does aromatherapy help my anxious dog?

While the right aromatherapy blend can be extremely beneficial, it isn’t necessarily a cure-all for your dog’s stress and anxiety. There is no quick fix for most anxiety-related behavior. In order to resolve your dog’s anxiety/fear, you first need to understand what’s causing it.

Anxious, aggressive, or fearful behavior is sometimes caused by an underlying medical concern. If your dog is constantly fearful, stressed, or anxious, I strongly encourage you to take your dog to the Vet for a thorough check up.

If your dog is given a clean bill of health, then it’s time to consider behavior modification training. An experienced, reputable, positive reinforcement-based trainer should be able to accurately assess and address the specific triggers that are provoking your dog’s stress and anxiety.

As a trainer and behavior consultant, I’ve helped highly stressed/fearful/anxious dogs for more than 15 years. Whether the problem is leash reactivity, excessive alert barking, destructive chewing, reactivity to loud noises, or aggression around strangers, the root issues are usually fear and anxiety.

I’ve found that integrating natural calmatives (primarily aromatherapy) into the behavior modification process has been incredibly valuable because it calms the dog’s mind, allowing him to unlearn his habitual anxiety/fear-driven responses, and affords him the ability to learn a desirable replacement behavior in response to fear-provoking stimuli.

In what situations might calmatives be helpful to your dog?

• Anxiety-related alert barking, territorial barking, etc.

• Leash reactivity/aggression related to underlying fear and anxiety

• Mild isolation distress and/or separation anxiety

• Anxiety related to unfamiliar situations and environments

• Fear and anxiety related to the arrival of unfamiliar visitors (dogs and pets) at home

• Stress related to car or plane travel

• Crate or pen training

• Puppy socialization (encounters with people, objects, dogs, cars, new environments)

• Major transitions (a move, a new baby, a new pet in the home)

• Distracting environments where your dog has problems with focus and attention (the mall, the park, Starbucks, group classes, etc.)

• Psychological discomfort/anxiety related to post-surgical recovery or trauma• Dogs that are timid or that startle easily

• Distress caused by loud noises, i.e. thunder or fireworks

Can you tell when your dog is feeling uncomfortable, stressed, or anxious?

Dogs use a variety of body language signals to communicate how they are feeling. To an untrained eye, it’s easy to misinterpret a dog’s body language. Many people assume their dog is ignoring them when he or she is simply feeling a little stressed.

Though there are many ways for dogs to signal fear, anxiety, and stress, it’s common for most dogs to exhibit certain body language signals more than others. It’s important to observe your dog to determine what signals he or she most commonly uses to indicate that he’s uncomfortable, stressed, or anxious.

Dogs use a wide variety of calming signals for several reasons: to calm themselves when they are stressed or uneasy, to diffuse tensions with dogs and people, and to convey friendly intentions.

Calming signals include (but are not limited to): nose licking, ground sniffing, frequent yawning, turning the head and/or body away from people or other dogs, shaking and trembling, pinned ears, tucked tail, disinterest in food, pacing, excessive panting, dilated pupils, and lethargic behavior.

Calm dogs are physically and psychologically healthy. Here are some tips to make sure your dog is at his best:











7 Things You MUST Know About Choosing a Vet

Good veterinarians are hard to come by. It’s getting harder to find the country vet who knows all about you and your dog and can tell you all of the local gossip. Vets who offered discounts for multiple pets and client loyalty are disappearing. In their place we have vets with more sophisticated equipment but often less time for you and your dog. He or she may see lots of clients every day and be part of a large practice. You may not see the same vet each time you go to the offices.

How can you find a good veterinarian these days? Here are a few tips.

1. Ask around. Word of mouth is still one of the best ways to find a good vet. If you have friends with pets ask them who they use and whether they like them or not. Ask them about their experiences with the vet. Have they been satisfied or are they looking for a new vet? How is the vet with their dog? (Or cat or whatever!) You can learn a lot just by talking to a friend.

2. Make a list of some of the things that are important to you in a vet. Do you need a vet who specializes? Probably not, unless you are a breeder or you have a dog with a particular health problem, but if you do need a specialist, start looking. They can be hard to find. Do you need a vet who will write prescriptions for you so you can buy heart worm medication online? This can be a bone of contention with some vets so you may have to try several vets before you find one who is willing to do this for you. It’s certainly worth pursuing because heart worm medication usually costs twice as much at the vet’s office. Do you need a vet who handles his own emergencies? This is becoming rare. You may have to look far and wide for a vet like this. Most vets now send their emergency cases to a vet emergency clinic at nights and on the weekends.

Decide what is most important to you and look for a vet who can meet your needs.

3. Call vet offices near you and talk to the receptionists. Better yet, go by and meet them in person. Discuss billing arrangements. Veterinary care can be very expensive, especially if your dog has a serious problem that requires surgery and post-op care. What is the vet’s policy about payment? Does he or she require you to pay upfront? Can you make payments? Will they turn your dog away if you can’t pay for the entire procedure ahead of time? These are important considerations and it’s best to know how your vet handles these matters before your dog is in a life or death situation.

4. Does the vet take pet health insurance? Some vets do take health insurance for pets now. If so, which ones?

5. Find out the days and office hours for the vets near you. Do they fit your schedule? Some vets are closed on Saturdays or may only be open half a day. They may not stay open late through the week. Will you be able to work with their schedule? You can have the greatest vet in the world just down the street from you but if you have to work when they’re open it won’t do your dog any good.

6. The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) has a listing of state veterinary medical associations. You can find veterinarians who are listed with these state medical associations here: . This is an excellent place to look for accredited vets in your area.

7. Looking for a holistic vet for your pets? You can locate one online through the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association. This list organizes vets by the type of animals they treat, the modality of care they offer, and by the state in which they reside. You can find a holistic vet here: